A transitive verb MUST have a direct object.
An intransitive verb has action but no object
A linking verb ties the subject to word that is equal or describes the subject.
Look at #'s 4,6,10,12 again.
I have to identify the verbs in the sentence and decide if they are linking,transitive, or intransitive. Please check these and let me know if they are correct.
2. She turned her face to the sun. (transitive)
4. The leaves on the tree turn bright red in the fall. (intransitive)
6. We stayed at the Ramada Inn. (transitive)
8. My sister-in-law makes beautiful ceramic tiles. (transitive)
10. This coffee tastes bitter. (intransitive)
12. The child fell sick during the night. (intransitive)
14. During thunderstorms our TV satellite goes haywire. (linking)
16. Men have become the tools of their tools. (linking)
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