Bonjour, Mischa. "presque" = almost
With the reflexive verb s'appeler, the reflexive pronoun changes.
je m'appelle
tu t'appelles
il/elle/on s'appelle
nous nous appelons
vous vous appelez
ils/elles s'appellent
Aha! You must be in Level II then if you are doing reflexives?
A wonderful paper back book is "501 French Verbs" and there is also a smaller one "200-something (I forget)."
There you will find nearly all the verbs you would ever need in every tense.
I have to fill out this chart, I want to know did i do it correctly, thanks.
Etre: Tu es
Aimer: Tu aimes
Habiter: tu habites
s'appeler: tu s'appelles
Parler: Tu parles
4 answers
Thanks, actually i just start learning french two weeks ago.
I have a question from before, you said that the adjective modifies the noun in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) and has nothing to do with the subject.
-la musique goes with française no matter female or male says it.
But what if it is pural les:
Il aime les film anglais or anglaise?
I have a question from before, you said that the adjective modifies the noun in number (singular/plural) and gender (masculine/feminine) and has nothing to do with the subject.
-la musique goes with française no matter female or male says it.
But what if it is pural les:
Il aime les film anglais or anglaise?
When I said the adjective modifies the noun in mumber, that meant that if the noun is plural, the adjective is as well. Look closely at what you wrote: "les (plural) film (singular) anglais (singular), etc." Because "le film" is masculine, the adjective will also be the masculine form = anglais, NOT anglaise, which is the feminine form. In addition be sure BOTH parts of the noun are plural = both the article (les) and the noun (filmS.)
Most French nouns, like most English nouns, form their plural by adding s to the singular:
le garçon, the boy les garçons, the boys
l�félève, the pupil les élèves, the pupils
la feuille, the leaf les feuilles, the leaves
Nouns ending in -s, -x or -z remain unchanged in the plural:
le fils, the son les fils, the sons
la voix, the voice les voix, the voices
le nez, the nose les nez, the noses.
Nouns ending in -eau and -eu add x to form the plural. Most nouns ending in -al, change -al to -aux in the plural:
l�foiseau, the bird les oiseaux, the birds
le neveu, the nephew les neveux, the nephews
le cheval, the horse les chevaux, the horses
A few nouns have irregular plurals:
l�foeil (m.), the eye les yeux, the eyes
le ciel, the sky les cieux, the skies
le travail, the work les travaux, the works
Although I told you more than you need to know at this time, you can see the "overall" pattern. Also, I have exercises any time you'd like them!
Most French nouns, like most English nouns, form their plural by adding s to the singular:
le garçon, the boy les garçons, the boys
l�félève, the pupil les élèves, the pupils
la feuille, the leaf les feuilles, the leaves
Nouns ending in -s, -x or -z remain unchanged in the plural:
le fils, the son les fils, the sons
la voix, the voice les voix, the voices
le nez, the nose les nez, the noses.
Nouns ending in -eau and -eu add x to form the plural. Most nouns ending in -al, change -al to -aux in the plural:
l�foiseau, the bird les oiseaux, the birds
le neveu, the nephew les neveux, the nephews
le cheval, the horse les chevaux, the horses
A few nouns have irregular plurals:
l�foeil (m.), the eye les yeux, the eyes
le ciel, the sky les cieux, the skies
le travail, the work les travaux, the works
Although I told you more than you need to know at this time, you can see the "overall" pattern. Also, I have exercises any time you'd like them!
P.S. The rest of this did NOT post.