I have to do this summer pre-course work for AP English. One part is reading a book on Greek and Roman mythology and picking three people out of newspapers or magazines and writing a paragraph for each about how they are like a character in the book. Any ideas? The book includes most myths and characters from Greek and Roman lit.
I can see a connection between Pandora and President Bush. She opened the forbidden box and evil spilled out. He declared war on Iraq and the evil is still devastating both Iraq and the U.S.
You might look at the astronauts in relation to Odysseus.
What about Mr.Rupert Murdoch and King Midas ?
Hillery Clinton and Hera? Sherapova and Athena?
Good suggestions from Ms. Sue and GuruBlue.
Using this website in conjunction with the particular book you were assigned may help you think of additional people to write about:
(Don't forget to click on the link for Part II for the latter half of the alphabet.)