I have to do a speech about johnny depp next week in my speech class and i have to make a visual aid.

I was wondering if you can give me ideas on what i can put on a poster other than pictures of him. Is there any other visual aids I can try other than posters.

As far as the speech goes, i kind of want to be interesting. instead of just listing his movies in front of class and how famous he is, i want to tell his childhood story and such.

Are there any other interesting ideas on how to approach this speech and what to include?

Basically, the guideline for this speech is intro, body, and conclusion.

I can write about anything I want. In my body part, i have to talk about three main points.

And the speech is about 2-3 minutes. Should i just talk about his childhood, and his struggle in hollywood, and something else.

For conclusion, i would say how many kids he has, where he lives, etc.

Please help me

2 answers

Instead of pictures of him, I would use a montage of the gimmicks associated with his movies. ie, sissorhands, cutlasses, Peter Pan, etc. You might super-impose it on the state of Kentucky. Use as a title, Who is this. Then without using his name, give a brief overview of his background. You might also find some of his more "unique" quotes.
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