i have to do a research paper for journalism class. It has to be something that has to do with washington, d.c. but the topic cant be too generalo. it has to be something specific that i will be able to write 1,500 to 3,00 words. Also, the topic has to answer a "WHY" question. can you help me think of some good topics. I am drawing mind blank.

8 answers

Why isn't Washington, D.C. a state?

Why are there so many lobbyists in Washington, D.C.?

Why do presidents choose a cabinet?

Other tutors may have some other ideas.

Why are no buildings in Washington, DC, taller than the Washington Monument?

Why is the Jefferson Memorial sinking? (Or is it?)

There are many others, which different tutors may post for you.
thank you very much. my main interest was the white house. do you have any topics with why question that i could do for that??
why was the whitehouse placed in washington d.c
Why is the White House geographically separate from the Capitol and the Supreme Court buildings?

If you read the articles linked and any external links on those Wikipedia webpages, you'll undoubtedly be able to come up with other questions.
thanks, do you have any ideas that interest you that would be about 3,000 words
Crime in Washington, DC.
The history of the Washington Navy Yard.