I have to do a 1000 word essay paper detailing the research of a career that is of interest to me.I picked a teacher but cant find any info on it.

I have to get things like salary scale, retirement plans,daily duties,typical hours worked,types of training required,etc.I would appreciate a little help

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. The first link will give you an "overview." As you will read, it will depend upon the level of teaching, the school district, etc. Any school district will give you an idea of salaries, insurance, job security, etc.


Here is a site to "browse" jobs:


To explore overseas jobs:


All those kinds of details vary from district to district, not to mention from state to state.

You'll be able to find general information about any career at this website: http://www.bls.gov/oco/ Once there, search (box at upper right) for teacher and then start making choices. Do you want to research preschool teachers? High school teachers? Or what? You'll have to make some choices, and you'll need to keep in mind that this is a nationwide website. The details of salary, benefits, etc., will be generalized or averaged.

If you can be really specific -- such as a teacher of ESL or math or science or special education (or ??) in Los Angeles Unified School District -- then you can do a much more detailed job of researching. Go here: www.lausd.net and then go through the Employment menu. You'll be looking for Certificated positions.

Happy hunting!

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