I have to come up with a product (such as soap, face cream, shampoo, cleaning spray, etc) and make a commercial for it. and I have to make up a name for it and the stuff that's found in it. I can't think of any products, I was thinking a shampoo commercial but I don't know what to name it. Any ideas? Thank you!

also how would I make a commercial, I want to do like a slideshow.

2 answers

I think you have to use your own imagination for this. What to call a new shampoo? What do shampoo product names mean? "Head and Shoulders?" "Johnson's Baby Shampoo?" Well, H&S is a dandruff shampoo, so it cleans your scalp and hair and keeps dandruff off your shoulders. Johnson's because that's the name of the company that makes it: Johnson & Johnson. Go from there. And you've seen enough commercials to know what they claim and how they try to convince you their product is best.
but I don't know how to make it into a video/commercial :(