I have to choose a Statement the other sentences are support for that point
1. Chemicals in dark chocolate helps protect the arteries form heart disease
2. Dark chocolate can be good for the human body
3. Dark chocolate contains ingredients that fight depression
1. A health adult tree can produce 5 pounds of pure oxygen a day
2. People should plant more trees around their homes
3. Mature trees can increase property value by 10 percent
4. Trees planted properly around building provide shade that cuts air conditioning cost by 20 percent.
1. Teaching is a great way to learn because one needs to know the material well enough to explain it.
2. By teaching a class, student will better appreciate their teachers’ efforts.
3. Some students may pay more attention when another student teaches, out of a curiosity if nothing else
4. All students should be required to teach for a day.
1. In the 1700’s doctors in America colonies were not required to attend college.
2. In the mid-1800’s most doctors completed just two years of medical school.
3. The training for doctors have changed dramatically over the past few centuries.
4. Today, doctors received about 10 years of education after high school
My answers are 1.B 2.D 3. A 4. D
Are these correct
4 answers
If I understand your post, then 2, 3, and 4 are wrong.
2. would be A
3. would be C
4. would be C
Are these correct now
The third set of sentences my answer would be C
The fourth group of sentences my answer would be C
I've checked your answers twice. You're on your own now for the other two questions.