I have questions but I don't understand this passage. Could you give a summery? Here are the question
1. One problem the researchers faced was an uncertainty about whether the signals observed in certain mass spectrometry data were, in fact, due to lead isotopes. Explain why this was a problem. In other words, why wasn't information about the mass of the isotopes sufficient for identifying the isotopes? Provide an example to explain your answer.
2. How did the researchers address the problem described in question 3? Do you believe that their method was adequate? Justify your response
Figure 2 shows 2.5 min averaged spectra of ambient aerosol at nominal m/z 208 obtained with the HR-AMS located at T0. Panel A compares V- and W-mode open, closed and dif- ference (open minus closed) spectra, during a period with a high lead signal (marked in Fig. 6). The difference between the sensitivity and the resolution of V- and W-modes is evi- dent in the figure; W-mode spectra have more resolution but a noisier signal. Typically, the difference mass spectra cor- respond to the sampled aerosol, once the background gases in the detection region are accounted for by subtracting the closed from the open mass spectra (Canagaratna et al., 2007). However, in the case of lead ions, a closed signal of the same order of magnitude as the open signal was observed which, as it will be explained later, indicates that there is a residual sig- nal caused by aerosol components that evaporate slowly from the vaporizer due to their relatively low volatility (Huffman et al., 2009). Because of this slow evaporation, the difference signal cannot be interpreted as usual in the case of lead ions and will not be discussed further. Panel B in Fig. 2 shows the same open raw signals as Panel A together with spec- tral fits obtained assuming the presence of several individual ions whose signals have a modified Gaussian shape (DeCarlo et al., 2006). The atomic weight of the most abundant lead
isotope (208Pb) is marked. The other fragments marked were selected in order to allow a more accurate fitting of the raw MS signal. They are most likely organic ions that contain C, H, O and/or N; however, their exact identification is be- yond the scope of this paper. Panel C in Fig. 2 is similar to panel B, but shows the spectra during a period with very low Pb signal (marked in Fig. 6). Signals corresponding to ions of the other main lead isotopes (207 Pb+ and 206 Pb+ ), as well as to the doubly charged ions of the three main lead isotopes (208 Pb++ , 207 Pb++ and 206 Pb++ ), were also observed (see Figs. S2 and S3). No signal for 204Pb+ was observed, as ex- pected due to its low abundance (0.027 relative to 208 Pb+ , (deLaeter et al., 2003)) and the limited signal-to-noise of our measurements.
Given the uncertainties of the fitting method, it is impor- tant to examine the ratios of the different lead isotopes to confirm that the signals are indeed due to lead. Figure 3 shows scatter plots of the singly and doubly charged ions of 207 Pb and 206 Pb vs. 208 Pb along with the expected iso- topic ratio (deLaeter et al., 2003). Expected values of the isotopic ratios and the results of the linear fits – slope (m) and Pearson’s R – are listed in Table 1. The scatter in the data is larger for W-mode because of the lower sensitivity of the instrument in this mode. However, all ions show the expected isotopic abundance within the noise of the measure- ment, which provides evidence that the signals correspond to lead and not to other ions with a similar exact mass. Fur- thermore, scatter plots of doubly vs. singly charged Pb ions show a good correlation and similar slopes of the order of Pb++/Pb+∼50% (see Fig. S4). The slope of such scatter plots is related to the difference in ionization efficiency for the singly and doubly charged ions, which should be the ame for V- and W- modes. The variations observed are a reflection of the uncertainties in the ion signal caused by un- certainty in the results of the fitting routine given the pres- ence of noise and partially interfering ions, specially for V mode, where the resolution is lowest.
The relatively high correlation between the signals of the six ions discussed, together with the isotopic ratios, confirm their identity as lead ions. Hence, total Pb open and closed signals were calculated as the sum of the 208Pb+, 207Pb+, 206Pb+, 208Pb++, 207Pb++ and 206Pb++ signals. The mea- sured signal of 207Pb++ was not used for the open W-mode due to its poor accuracy and was estimated instead from the 208Pb++ signal and the expected isotopic ratio. Data were averaged for consecutive V- and W- mode runs, producing a base time series with one 10-minute averaged data point ev- ery 20 minutes which is used in the remainder of this paper.
Figure 4 shows raw mass spectra from the C-AMS at m/z 200–215 for two different periods with high and low Pb signals. The open signals during the high Pb event show the expected isotopic ratio, while the open signals for the low Pb event show more 207 relative to 206 and 208. This in- dicates a non-lead ion at 207 that interferes with detection of the 207Pb, which is consistent with the patterns observed for the HR-AMS data in Fig. S2. In order to quantify the contribution of lead ions to the signal at m/z 204, 206, 207, and 208, the unit mass resolution C-AMS data requires a fragmentation table (Allan et al., 2004; Canagaratna et al., 2007), shown in Table 2. Analogously to the PAH quan- tification method of Dzepina et al. (2007), the organic sig- nal in m/z 206 and 208 was estimated from the signals at 205 and 209–210, respectively, which are assumed to be due to organic ions. The rest of the signal at m/z 206 and 208 is assigned to 206Pb+ and 208Pb+, respectively. Because of the small abundance of 204Pb and the large interference for 207Pb, lead signals at m/z 204 and 207 were estimated from 208Pb+ and the natural relative abundance of the isotopes. A good correlation between 206 Pb+ and 208 Pb+ as well as between background-corrected 207 Pb+ and 208 Pb+ , with the expected isotopic ratio (see Table 1 and Fig. 5), unequivo- cally confirms the identification of particulate lead signals measured with the C-AMS.