I have questions about pronominal verbs, let say "se arreter". Je m'arrete means I stop right? But does j'arrete also mean I stop? So why would you use pronominal?

2 answers

je m'arrete means i stop myself
j'arrete means i stop or i am stopping
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. "s'arrĂȘter" as a reflexive verb is a transitive verb; that means it takes an object and in this case it is the reflexive pronoun. It means "I stop myself."

"arrĂȘter" is a transitive verb and must have an object. I stop/I DO stop/I AM stoppING.......but then you must say WHAT you stop = the car, my brother, etc.

Many verbs can be pronominal but often the meaning changes quite a bit. Examples: lever = to lift/raise BUT se lever = to get oneself up / laver = to wash (something) BUT se laver = to get oneself washed/get washed
