breaking apart covalent bonds, as in H2O, requires energy. The more energy, the more OH and H+.
Yes, the reaction making more ions is takes energy.
I have been plagued by this question for a good half an hour, whilst doing past papers I came across it-
' EXPLAIN why the value of Kw increases as the temperature increases'
as far as I can tell, it is about the excess production of OH- and H+ from le chateliers principle, i feel like it has got to be something to do with exothermic and endothermic favourable directions but I just cant seem to get my head around it.
help would be much appreciated
2 answers
OHHH... so, if more heat energy is provided, then more H2O molecules can be broken to their constituent of OH- and H+ due to the endothermic nature of the reaction, and hence the equilibria would favor to the right hand side of the equation in order to 'use up' the excess heat energy and regain the regular temperature and apposing the change, and hence Kw would increase.
I think I understand now if this is so, thank you for your assistance.
I think I understand now if this is so, thank you for your assistance.