I have a question about the short story "Son" by John Updike. I have research this and read it but find it very confusing-I have two answers totally eliminated and would just like some input-Thank you so much
Is "Son told in
a.order from the contemporary father and his memories and reflections
b.reverse chronological order, from past to present
c.fragments that are set in different time periods and all from contemporary son's point of view
d.segments, each told by a different character and all in the first person
I'm certain it is not "c" or "d"and I know it is the father starting out talking about his son and then reflects back however, its not in order as "A" would suggest. and it can't be "B" because it isn't in reverse order from past to present because it starts out with the son
Any help would be greatly appreciated.What's confusing is that Son I have to pick the right answer and then write a paragraph to support it by tomorrow.
Thank you
12 answers
Is the story told in first person? That is, is the narrator telling the story with "I" and "me" and other first person pronouns showing you the narrator's frame of mind as well as the events? If so, then it's D.
I am wondering about the wording in choice C, though.
Chronological order is from past to present. Reverse chronological order, though is from present to past. The question may be worded backwards, and that's the problem.
The story is at nexuslearningwebsite if you're looking for it online-we had the written version
It sounds as if d is your best bet if the story is told in first person. Is it?
I have no access to nexuslearning.
Thank you for checking this-I really appreciate it
It's certainly not D!! There's first-person in there, but it's not "all in the first person."
It's not C. The first half of that answer is true, but the second half isn't.
It's not B because it's not in any chronological order completely, reverse order or normal order.
So I would go with A, and chalk up those dates he gives (1973, 1949, 1913, 1887, 1888, 1889) to "memories and reflections."
Thanks again for all your help