I just read that Visine branad eye drops have been put in people's drinks as a prank and that most of the time, the victims end up in the hospital and come back a few days later. Although, on that same page, there was a victim who did die because of this same reason.
My serial killer is Agatha "Grammy" Rooney and she's 57 years old. She killed four people at a high school party which she was invited to becuse the teenagers thought it would be fun watching an older woman make a fool out of herself. Since she was never allowed to go out as a teenager, this was her chance for revenge. If she couldn't have fun, then nobody could.
I have a project in my Mysteries of History class in which I have to invent a serial killer and make a profile for them. I also have to make a fake newspaper article on the serial killer. I already have most of the things I need, but I´m not sure how my serial killer is going to kill people. What's something that you can put in someone's drink that is strong enough to kill them?
4 answers
This is a very inappropriate assignment for a High School student. Have you discussed this with your Parents? If so, and they have done nothing, I recommend you write 1) the school district chief, with a copy to the school principal, and 3 a copy to the editor of the local newspaper.
Here is a copy of what I suggest you write:
Dear Sir:
I am in xxxxxx school, and my social studies teacher xxxxxxx has given an assignment in which we are to create a fictional serial killer, a profile, credibly detail how they will kill people. I don't know anything about poisons nor killing. Should I know this? Is it a part of our mandated educational requirement? Is is appropriate for this to be a required assignment, and affect my grade?
Very Respectfully,
Here is a copy of what I suggest you write:
Dear Sir:
I am in xxxxxx school, and my social studies teacher xxxxxxx has given an assignment in which we are to create a fictional serial killer, a profile, credibly detail how they will kill people. I don't know anything about poisons nor killing. Should I know this? Is it a part of our mandated educational requirement? Is is appropriate for this to be a required assignment, and affect my grade?
Very Respectfully,
Well, said, Mt. Pursley. Please, dear student, do enlist your parents in an effort to have this assignment retracted. It's inappropriate for social studies. Leave murder to the writers of murder mysteries. Study unsolved mysteries of history. There are plenty of them, and not many of them involve murder.
Not to contradict Mr.Pursley, his ideas are fine. When I was on the Board of Education we advised students and parents who had problems with a teacher to go to the principal first, and if still unsatisfied, then the central administration, then the School Board. And it is usually better to settle misunderstandings quietly, but if all else fails, take it public. Once it gets to the school board level it's public anyway, so be ready to argue your case in public.