I have a paper I have to do for this class and it calls for us to write an autobiography on race in our community. I have an idea of what I want to write it on however I do not know how to research it to have the recommended resources needed for the paper. It calls for at least three sources one being from a leader of the community. I plan on writing about my home town and how race is a big issue there between the white's and african americans. I just do not know where to begin looking for this information I need. Any ideas?

6 answers

Interviewing people is a good resource for this topic. You should probably interview more than one person, though. Here's how to cite interviews:
(Broken Link Removed)

I'd also go to the local and/or college (if there's one in your town) library and ask a reference librarian to help you find information. There may be information in past issues of local newspapers that will help you. You can find some newspapers online, of course, but you can't always find back issues, depending on how far back in time you will go.

There may also be books on local history, and you can find those in local libraries, as well as local bookstores.

Overall, I wouldn't depend too much on Internet references to help you with this topic. This one must come from YOU and your own experiences. That's what "autobiography" means!

ok, thanks I think. I'll see what I can find. I am no longer living in my home town so going in person to the library is out of the question. I'll have to do most of this online if I can.
that assignmnet is not too hard. I just had that class and I past it with no problem.
I passed all of my college courses many years ago, but honestly, that was in my past life.
Do you remember anything about having resources for the finial paper? Did you use any for the paper or was it all from your personal information n background?
Dawn, are you studying to become a teacher? If so, I beg of you to get your English grammar and writing under better control.

Capital T


passed (not past)

You're worrying me here!