I have a essay to write my instructor say because I chose education I an addressing a whole field from kindergarten to post graduate I need to now what type of education I chose English. I need to keep it narrow and stringent focus in order to help find good research and formulate a coherent argument can you help me write this paper. It got to be 1500 to 1,750 words.

8 answers

Perhaps if you can begin with your thesis statement, we can help you better. Do you mean teaching English to foreigners or the English curriculum in an English-speaking country? Please clarify.

I need title
introduction and thesis statement
body with sopporting evidence and in -text citation
reference with list two online source
complete peer-preview form
meanwhile its about english curriculum in a english speaking country
Please note that we don't do students' homework for them. Be sure to go back into your textbook or use a good search engine. http://hanlib.sou.edu/searchtools/

Once YOU have come up with attempted answers to YOUR questions, please re-post and let us know what you think. Then someone here will be happy to comment on your thinking.

If you are planning to become a teacher, you need to learn these skills and the skills involved in writing long before you enter a classroom.

im in 8th grade and i need help with an essay about women's rights...i researched women's rights on google but they didn't give me anything. if you help me i will really appreciate it!
how to write a summary.
any rules to follow while writing summary.please help
just tell and teach the english language u learned to them and there is your essay it may be more time consuming but it will be worth wile and you are likly to get a relly good grade on the esay, cause that is what i do and i allways get a good grde so i hope my tactics will help you write your essay to sucsees.
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what are the main ideas of an essay for example beginning middle