I have a 14k thimble with a SC mark inside a rectangle and a anchor next to it. Does anybody knows about this markings? I'll appreciate if you give me some info. Thank you.

3 answers

This morning there are some 324 thimbles on sale through eBay. Staffordshire Lane, Heirloom Editions Ltd. has carried thimbles for some 30 years.

SC often stood for South Carolina, where a lot of jewelry was made. An anchor often stood for Birmingham, but the 3 things you described, sorry, I don't know.

Try going to eBay and searching thimbles.

Or contact a company that manufactures/sells thimbles.

Are you sure about the rectangle? Is it a larger C surrounding the SC? This is the mark of Goldsmith Stern Company, around the turn of the century (1900). It is worth about 65 dollars. Inside, you should see a number for finger size.
Please refer to the "new question" I just posted named: ART - Carmen
