I hate asking for help, but I have to, I hope someone would be able to help me.
I missed3 days of french.
we are doing passe compase
Juliette (aller/rester/faire)
Elle____________ A annecy en juin
Elle _____________ quatre semaines la-bas
Elle _________ des promenades a la montage
How do you do that ?
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Do not hate asking for help! It is a wise choice, especially when you have been absent!
Hopefully there is a model (modèle) for you to follow? I'm not sure if you are to select which verb to use with each sentence? First of all, learn the passé composé with avoir and then with être. If you don't have that in your book, let me know and I'll post it here for you. Guessing what you need:
Elle est allée à Annecy en juin. (She went to Annecy in June.)
Elle est restée quatre semaines là-bas. (She stayed there 4 weeks.)
Elle a fait des promenades à la montagne. (She took some walks to the mountain.)
You have BOTH verbs with avoir (which are more common) and verbs with être (Dr. & Mrs. Vandertramp! = If you don't know what that means, you should ask me!)