I had to write about what I do when I go to the airport. Is this correct
Voy al aeropuerto con mi equipaje. Me presento en el mostrador con mi boleto aéreo y mi pasaporte. Registro mi equipaje. Voy con mi maleta de mano y paso por seguridad. Luego de pasar por seguridad, voy a la sala de espera y espero. Tengo que presentarme con mi pase de abordar. Abordo el avión. Busco mi asiento. Me siento en un asiento de ventanilla. Cuando el avión aterriza, voy y reclamo mi equipaje. Tengo que pasar por la immigración y aduana para mostrar mis documentos y equipaje
2 answers
I'll send this to SraJMcGin.
look closely at the English word immigration. Now look VERY closely at the Spanish word inmigración. You will not have a double m in this word.
The verb "to board" (abordar) is used more in a nautical sense (with boats, etc.) and "subir a" is better for getting on a bus, train, airplane = subo al avión.
"tarjeta de embarque" is usually used for boarding pass, but if your textbook uses "pase de abordar," you should stay with that.
Otherwise, it looks very good. Instead of all the simple sentences, if you combine some of them into a complex sentence, your writing will look more sophisticated.
Examle: Busco mi asiento. Me siento en un asiento de ventanilla. = Busco mi asiento y me siento, etc.
The verb "to board" (abordar) is used more in a nautical sense (with boats, etc.) and "subir a" is better for getting on a bus, train, airplane = subo al avión.
"tarjeta de embarque" is usually used for boarding pass, but if your textbook uses "pase de abordar," you should stay with that.
Otherwise, it looks very good. Instead of all the simple sentences, if you combine some of them into a complex sentence, your writing will look more sophisticated.
Examle: Busco mi asiento. Me siento en un asiento de ventanilla. = Busco mi asiento y me siento, etc.