I found this online to help with infinitives but what I don't understand is in the second example "el saber" is acting as a verb isn't it? because the translation is "knowing" so why did the writer say putting "el" in front of the infinitive makes it clear the word is acting as a noun but in that phrase it's acting as a verb?
Tengo miedo de estar sola en la casa.
I'm afraid of being alone in the house.
A veces, el saber es peor que el no saber.
Sometimes, knowing is worse than not knowing.
(Putting "el" in front of the infinitive verb is optional, and it makes it clear that the word is acting as a noun and not a verb in that sentence).
2 answers
I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
Yes, the "el" in front of the infinitive, makes it a noun!