I forgot to include the following statements. Thank you very much for all,

1) The three main themes of the play are forgiveness, reconciliation and the element of magic. Prospero forgives his brother for deposing him and takes possession of his lost dukedom.
2) The are two types of evil in the play, maleficent and beneficent.
The former, that of the witch Sykorax, tends to work evil on its victims (I need to use a synonym for "work evil") and derives (emerges, originates?) from a pact with the devil.
3) The latter, that of Prospero, derives from study (from his study?) and is used only for good purposes.
4) The attributes (?) of his magic are his books, his robe, which he puts on when he is working (or he works?) as a magician and his wands,which represents an instrument of power.
5) Shakespeare's The Tempest may be regarded as a warning (synonym? admonition) against the risks of English expansion abroad, of contamination (?) as a result of the development of civilization (?).
6) It may also be seen as an exhortation against the powers of the supernatural.
7) According to some critics, the play symbolizes how the dream of a happy era has turned out to be just an illusion.
(or has turned into an illusion?)

Thank you,

1 answer

"tends to harm its victims and originates for a pact with the devil."

Leave out everything from Prospero to "is used".

The source of Prospero's magic is found in his books, the robe he wears when working, and his wands, the instruments of his power.

Be sure to underline The Tempest

"admonition" is a good word to use there. "against the risks of English expansion abroad and the development of civilization ."

7 is fine as it is.