I forgot to include the following sentences. I hope you can have a look at them, too.
1) 1984 can be considered an anti-utopian novel, which shows Orwell's sympathy for all the people who were murdered and exhiliated in totalitarian dictatorships (?) in the first half of the 20th century.
2) People are kept in poverty by the war, which is used by the state as an instrument to frighten the masses. Moreover, the state uses propaganda because, in this way, people think to be living in luxury (?).
3) He learnt first hand what it meant being poor.
4)Also linked to the theme of the double, is the author’s fascination with the beast in man.
5) This is obviously represented in his creation of Hyde who is described throughout by others in terms of animal imagery.
6) When Utterson confronts him he is described as “hissing” like a cornered snake. He is described as a “thing” which cries out “like a rat”; he moves like a monkey and screams in “mere animal terror”.
1 answer
2) People are kept in poverty by the war, which is used by the state as an instrument to frighten the masses. Moreover, the state uses propaganda because, in this way, people think they are living in luxury.
3) He learned first hand what it meant to be poor.
4) Also linked to the theme of the double is the author’s fascination with the beast in man.
5) This is clearly demonstrated in his creation of Hyde, who is described throughout in terms of animal imagery.
6) When Utterson confronts him he is described as hissing like a cornered snake. He is characterized as a thing which cries out "like a rat"; he moves like a monkey and screams in sheer "animal terror". [If those words are quoted from the book, then they're fine. If, however, they are in quotation marks for any other reason, then delete the quotation marks.]