I forgot to include the following sentences. I hope you can have a look at them too.

1) The slave trade between Europe, Africa and the America lasted for about 400 years, between 1500 and 1900.
2) The cities involved in the slave trade became very rich. The route from Europe to West Africa, and on to America and the Caribbean became known as the slave triangle.
3) During the 18th century thousands of ships set out to make the journey each year, from European ports such as Liverpool, Lisbon and Seville.
4)In Liverpool, for example, a number of the finest buildings were built with the money from the slave trade.
5) Slaves were sold by auction as if they were animals in a market. Young men were often separated from their wives and taken to plantations, where they were routinely whipped and beaten. Slaves who worked in people’s homes had an easier life.
6) However, they lived under the watchful eye of their masters. If they misbehaved, they could expect to have an ear cut off, be flogged or even killed.
7) Life was hardest for those who worked in the Caribbean and in South America. There, some plantation owners invented horrifying punishments for rebel slaves, such as burying them alive.
8)Though slaves had hard, painful lives, they weren’t miserable all the time. They were allowed to dance on public holidays.

1 answer

1) usually just "America" or "the Americas"
