I forgot to include the following part. I really hope you can have a look at it, too.

1) But Caliban had bad blood in him, no matter how much he learned, and good people couldn't stand to be near him.
2) So Caliban got what he deserved, and was locked up in this cave, which is more fitting for the likes of him than a prison would be.
3) Caliban damns Prospero for teaching him his language. Prospero asks him to bring them wood and be quick about that. He asks Caliban if he is shrugging or making faces.
4) If Caliban neglects (to carry out) his orders or do them grudgingly, he'll double him up with pains and cramps, and make all his bones ache, and make him scream so loud that the wild animals will tremble when they hear him.
5) Caliban has to obey since Prospero has got such strong magic powers that he could conquer and enslave the god, Setebos, that his mother used to worship.

2 answers

4. since "loud" is an adjective, "loudly" is better here as the adverb

Present tenses.

Clarify pronouns.