1. What is it about Cassius that Caesar does not like? Check those lines in the play and see what you find.
2. Why doesn't Caesar like these character/personality traits in Cassius? Why do they seem dangerous?
Let us know what you come up with and someone here will give you feedback.
I don't understand these questions please help!!
1. A. What traits does Caesar object to in Cassius? (Act 2, Scene 2, Lines 192-214)
B. Why might Caesar object to these traits? What about them seems dangerous to him?
4 answers
In those lines Caesar does not say anything of Cassius. Please recheck which act and lines you have a question about.
Look at Act 1 Scene 2,
" Caesar sees Cassius and comments to Antony that Cassius looks like a man who thinks too much; such men are dangerous, he adds. Antony tells Caesar not to worry, but Caesar replies that he prefers to avoid Cassius: Cassius reads too much and finds no enjoyment in plays or music—such men are never at ease while someone greater than themselves holds the reins of power."
" Caesar sees Cassius and comments to Antony that Cassius looks like a man who thinks too much; such men are dangerous, he adds. Antony tells Caesar not to worry, but Caesar replies that he prefers to avoid Cassius: Cassius reads too much and finds no enjoyment in plays or music—such men are never at ease while someone greater than themselves holds the reins of power."
how does shakespear portray loyaty and friends