I don't understand the affirmative mandates part.
tu amigo no sabe llegar a la escuela desde tu casa. dale direcciones completas usando mandatos afirmativos familiares
4 answers
it says your friend doesnt know how to get to school from your house. Give full addresses using mandates affirmative relatives
Thanks for trying but my question was not "what does this say". I don't understand the affirmative mandates part
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Other terminology for what you are doing are: the affirmative familiar command OR the affirmative tú command.
The directions would be: (you have to make up directions on how to get to school from his house) sal de tu casa y ve derecho a la calle Santiago; dobla a la derecha y ve derecho a la calle Parque, doble a la izquierda y ve dos cuadras y la escuela está a la derecha.
(Leave your house and go straight to Santiago street; turn to the right and go straight to Park street, turn to the left and go 2 blocks and the school is to the right.
You can make up any directions!
The directions would be: (you have to make up directions on how to get to school from his house) sal de tu casa y ve derecho a la calle Santiago; dobla a la derecha y ve derecho a la calle Parque, doble a la izquierda y ve dos cuadras y la escuela está a la derecha.
(Leave your house and go straight to Santiago street; turn to the right and go straight to Park street, turn to the left and go 2 blocks and the school is to the right.
You can make up any directions!
I'm gonna go with what McGin said. Just put the verbs into the command form: Turn right, Walk 3 blocks, etc,... instead of "you will turn", "you have to turn", or "you have to walk." lol this kind of sounds a little over explanatory