i don't know what to do
and my teacher gave me these topics
2 answers
No question.
#1 - Quit wasting time on the Internet.
#2 - Use the ideas you've already been given.
#3 - Start writing -- just start. Freewriting (don't worry about punctuation, grammar, etc., during freewriting/brainstorming) is one of the best tools to use to unlock ideas in your head.
#4 - Use your imagination. Is there a rule you HAVE to write only what is actual? Can't you make things up?
#5 - No excuses! Get busy writing!
#2 - Use the ideas you've already been given.
#3 - Start writing -- just start. Freewriting (don't worry about punctuation, grammar, etc., during freewriting/brainstorming) is one of the best tools to use to unlock ideas in your head.
#4 - Use your imagination. Is there a rule you HAVE to write only what is actual? Can't you make things up?
#5 - No excuses! Get busy writing!