An element is paramagnetic if it has unpaired electrons. It is diamagnetic if it has all of its electrons paired. It is is paramagnetic it will be attracted to an applied magnetic field; it will be repelled if it is diamagnetic. Here is a good site to visit. Post back if you don't understand how to determine if an element is paramagnetic or not.
I did a lab where I was supposed to make "estimates" on transition compounds based on their electron configuration of how the compounds will react positively or negatively and then to experiment the compounds in conjunction with the strong magnets to evaluate their paramagnetic or diamagnetic characteristics.
I used a balance scale to find the balance reading for each compound
I did that but I was wondering why was the balance reading a positive or negative value for some compounds? Did have it have to do with the fact that some compounds contain unpaired electrons making it repel or attract or was it because of gravity
PLEASE HELP and explain
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