I desperately need help figuring out why I was wrong. I would ask the teacher, but he's not available until Monday, final deadlines are incredibly soon, I need to hurry and do corrections, and I can't wait too long because I have the beginnings of a cold right now and I need to get work done before I'm too sick.
So, with that out of the way, the prompt to this question was "Escribe cinco oraciones originales combinado elementos de las tres columnas." I won't bother translating anything. I think only one example will get the point across well, so here it is:
Elements: yo / disgustar / ver películas tontas
My answer, which got 0/2 points: Me disgustan ver películas tontas.
Teacher correction: ".. A mi me..."
I understand how to use the "a + [prepositional pronoun] construction well enough in theory, but I'm baffled about how to discern when it needs to be used and why my answer was completely wrong when the prompt didn't tell me to construct it in that way, just to make a sentence. In other parts of the curriculum there are similar questions, such as. . .
"Escribe oraciones con los elementos dados y conjuga el verbo de manera correcta en presente. Haz los cambios que creas necesarios. Sigue el modelo.
Modelo: yo / siempre / proteger / a mi pareja
Example answer: Yo siempre protejo a mi pareja."
There is also this, which uses the "a + [prepositional pronoun]" construction, but it indicates it must be used with an "a" element.
"Forma oraciones correctas. Añade los pronombres correspondientes y haz los cambios necesarios. Sigue el modelo.
Modelo: a / yo / caer bien / los músicos
Example answer: A mí me caen bien los músicos."
Can someone please, please explain to me what I'm missing? Spanish has never been my strongest subject, but I've always tried really hard and have generally made up for it through studying. I just can't find the answer to this one on my own and I'm running out of time.
3 answers