I can’t think of the word- please help!!!
Hi. I am writing a story and need to find a word to describe the sound that bowling pins make when they are hit by the ball. The only word I got so far is “Crash”. I need a better word. Any ideas? I have tried a thesaurus, but it has not been helpful. Please, I need to find a word ASAP! Thanks so much in advance.
7 answers
bang or kerplunk?
lol, i think kerplunk will NOT work! no offense=) bang is ok..., but i think i like crash better...any more ideas?
You might describe the sound for a strike as thundering and for a single pin going down as plop.
i am starting off my story with one word, like this:
"Crash! The pins scatter- all ten of...". But "thunder" won't work in place of "crash", and all 10 pins go down so it can't be "plop"...
hope this clarifies, please i need some advice
"Crash! The pins scatter- all ten of...". But "thunder" won't work in place of "crash", and all 10 pins go down so it can't be "plop"...
hope this clarifies, please i need some advice
I think that's an excellent start. Crash is the best word there. :-)
ok. thank you. it just didn't sound right to me. i thought there was a better word out there to describe that, but it was just out of my reach. i guess not. oh well, i can live with it. thanks for your help
You're welcome. As you write and revise, another word may come to you.
Have fun with it!
Have fun with it!