You begin by researching your topic.
Develop a thesis statement.
Then make an outline of what you want to say in the body of the paper.
Write the body of your paper, making sure that you have at least three points supporting your thesis.
After you've done that, then -- and only then -- write the introduction of your paper.
I am writing an oppossing views essay on the effectiveness of the death penalty. Any thoughts on how I should begin? I understand that I am not supposed to give my opinion. Thanks!
4 answers
And why aren't you supposed to give your opinion?
We actually will give our opinion in the final draft. She broke the assignment into 2 parts. The 1st part is actually just to help us learn how to write our final essay. In the final essay, you will take a side. I have pulled alot of research together, just stuck on how to put a thesis statement together. This is usually the part of the essay I struggle with.
what i learned about writing is that how to organize.