From which of these several sources did you plagiarize this paragraph?
Please don't post plagiarized material on the Jiskha forum.
I am writing a essay on the character of Phoenix Jackson in Eudora Welty's "A Worn Path". Is this a good introduction?
The protagonist of Eudora Welty's "A Worn Path" is Phoenix Jackson. Phoenix is a poor, elderly, African-American woman whose overwhelming love for her only grandson drives her to overcome many obstacles throughout the story. Along her journey, Phoenix's character is revealed to be humorous and in touch with nature, determined and willing to go the distance, and extremely prideful of her appearance and her family.
6 answers
Is it still a good introduction?
I planned on ripping it apart...
No, it is not a good introduction because it is not YOUR work.
Please note that I found the source of your paragraph within a minute. I'm sure your instructor can also find it as quickly. Reread your school's policies about plagiarism. Some schools expel a student who plagiarizes.
Please note that I found the source of your paragraph within a minute. I'm sure your instructor can also find it as quickly. Reread your school's policies about plagiarism. Some schools expel a student who plagiarizes.
My intentions were to ask you what was wrong with the paragraph, so that I may change the wrong part and keep the right part...
What wrong part? The whole paragraph is wrong. =(
Be sure to read and study this entire webpage, including explanations, examples, and more explanations:
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Be sure to read and study this entire webpage, including explanations, examples, and more explanations:
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