I am trying to find peer reviewed articles about a movie, "The Bad Seed" made in 1956 from a play that was written by William Edward March Campbell.

I must analyize it along with the nature vs nuture debate for my Abnormal psyc class.
I am trying to annotate the movie and relate it to the nature vs nurture debate.
Cannot find any artilces refering to the movie, play or the writer about the play.
Any suggestions, info or directions I am over looking?

3 answers

Here are a whole passel of reviews.

Here is an article on the book and about the author.




These are search results in Google advanced, Google Scholar, and Google Books. If you find nothing in these results, be sure to go to your local or college library and ask a reference librarian to help you find specific sources/references by means of one of the databases the library undoubtedly subscribes to -- in particular, see if the library subscribes to EBSCOhost or one of the others that includes information about literature and psychology.

Here is one California college that subscribes to several of these databases:
(Broken Link Removed)
If you have a library card and a list of the current passwords, you can access the databases from home, but you have to start IN THE LIBRARY!
Here are some ideas for future researching:

At this webpage, you can go immediately to the search sites (first three columns across the top) -- or even better you can scroll down until you see the section called HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET. Those are the links to start with. You'll not only learn how to come up with good search terms, but also how to evaluate the webpages you get as results. Some will be good and others will be garbage. You need to know how to tell the difference.

My favorite way to search is to go to Google's advanced search page http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en and put my search words or phrases into the first or second search box (either "all the words" or "exact phrase"). However, there many other strategies for searching you can use, and the HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET section will help you best.

Learning to use Google or other search engines can save you time and help you learn to find information efficiently. Here are some websites that can teach you how:





... and one to help you judge whether a particular website's information is worth your time:
