I am trying to analyze the poem "Full Fathom Five" by William Shakespeare. When was the poem written? When I google the title "The Tempest" comes up. Is "Full Fathom Five" part of "The Tempest"?
4 answers
I am also analyzing the poem "Where the Bee Sucks, There Suck I". I know this poem is part of "The Tempest". Where are these poems included in "The Tempest"? Was it written in 1610?
The lines that begin "Full Fathom Five.." appear in Act 1 Scene 2 of The Tempest, where they are part of "Ariel's Song". The Tempest was written during the period 1610-1613; no one seems to be sure of the exact year.
The lines that begin "Where the bee sucks.." appear in Act 5, scene 1 of the same play.
The lines that begin "Where the bee sucks.." appear in Act 5, scene 1 of the same play.
Yes, Those poems are part of "The Tempest"
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This site is on "Where the Bee Sucks"
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This site is on "Where the Bee Sucks"
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