I am preparing the DSST (Dantes) examine in Criminal Justice.
I had been looking for some practice tests for this examine. The only practice examines I could locate werei in "Rudman's Quesiton & Answers on the Dantes Subject Standardized Test in Ciminology (Criminal Justice) by National Learning Corp."
I have never used any of his books in the past. I have seen them. I can't say when I looked them over, that I was inpressed by them.
In this situaiton this was the only thing I could find, so I decided to take a chance.
I found after I bought the book, I could not answer a lot of the questions, so I went out and bought another textbook.
The text book I am using to study from is "Criminal Justice The Essentials by Lab, Williams, Holcomb, Burek, King and Buerger form Oxford University Press.
The situation is I still notice I can't answer a lot of the questions in Rudman's book.
Are you familiar with Rudman's question and answer book in Criminal Justice?
I am trying to determine if Rudman's books really covers the questions.