I am lost. My assignment is Ethnic Groups and Discrimination.
Choose an ethnic group to which you personally belon. If you identify with more than one group, chooose the group with which you most identify or about which you would like to learn more.
I"m supposed to write an essay answering the following questions:
Using any of the resources identified above, research to determine if the gruop colonized or if it immigrated to the United States. Did the group face prejudice, segregation, racism or any combination of the three? If so, how and why? Include your research findings in your essay.
Was the group effected by or did it participate in any of the following forms of discrimination? If so, describe: Dual labor market, envoronmental justice issues, affirmative action, redlining, double jeopardy, institutional discrimination, reverse discrimination, glass ceiling, glass walls, or glass escalator? Do you culturally identify more with the ethnic group you examined, with the US mainstream culture, or with both equally?
3 answers
Then take each of those questions and answer it. If you don't know then answer then you can repost with a specific question and someone will give you a site where you can find the answer.
~~to which ethnic group do you belong
~~then think about all the other questions and answer them.
My suggestion is you simply brainstorm in the form of a double or triple list or a Venn diagramm as you jot down notes to yourself about each of the questions asked.
Once you have exhausted your mind for ideas about all these questions as they relate to the ethnic group you have chosen to identify with, then you'll be able to organize your paper.
Once you have your paper written, you can post it here if you would like feedback and/or proofreading.