I am going to use the middle adolescence and the late adolescence.

o Compare what you would expect to see in the classroom from each age group, in
terms of expected reading and writing development. How might this influence what
reading and writing activities you would assign? What could you do to strengthen a
student’s reading or writing skills in each developmental stage?
I know this is homework, but I need some help. Please

3 answers

The first shock you will have is to find that the range of reading and writing development is very W I D E. You will have to deal with greatly differing abilities, experiences, and motivations in each age group. Frankly, I would hate to even generalize by middle and late adolescence, except for that in the later adolescence you will find more students who can deal with abstract concepts better.
I had them read everything I could find that was "interesting" to a teenager.
examples: Ray Bradbury, Alice Walker. Then we wrote every week; we had peer evaluations, group evaluations. We "published" a short story collection and a poetry collection.
In short, I assaulted them from every angle I could think of and then went back and thought some more.
Which of the following statement best identifies a learning style that's creative verbal and independent