I am going to be graded on the annotations for the article "Free the Elephants and Orcas in Captivity [Editorial]" by the Editors. However, I don't have good annotations for the author's main idea/argument, at least two supporting details and the conclusion. Could someone read the article and help me write new annotations if necessary. The article is short, so I hope it's not too much of a bother. Thank you to anyone who helps in advance.

First annotation (author's claim/argument/main idea): The author is arguing that because animals have emotions, intelligence and a self-awareness, they are similar to humans and therefore should not be held in captivity. (Paragraph #1)

Second annotation (supporting detail):
The author uses the example of martriline clans because it shows that animals interact, like people, in large communities that are akin to human nations. (Paragraph #3)

Third annotation (supporting detail): The author uses the example of self-concept because it shows that animals have cognitive abilities and are capable of forming thoughts and beliefs as humans can. (Paragraph #2)

Fourth annotation (supporting detail): The author uses this example because it shows that the conditions in which captive animals live inflict the same physical and psychological effects that it would if a human were in a prison. (Paragraph #6)

Fifth annotation (conclusion): The author concludes the article by suggesting that people release all captive animals back into the wild and bring all captive breeding programs to an end. (Paragraph #8)

2 answers

Since I have no idea where this editorial came from (what publication, date, etc.) I can't look it up and read it.
It's "Free the Elephants and Orcas in Captivity [Editorial]" by the Editors on a website called Scientific America.