i am doing a research paper on animal rights
what are some specific issues related to the topic
and develop a specific research question from your selected contemporary issue. ( i put "animals used as experiments")
my thesis is
animals should not be used as expirements. Animals cannot talk and therefore cannot go against it, making animals testing cruel and inhuman.
14 answers
Google animal rights.
Many animal rights advocates propose that animals be viewed as persons, not property
so for my research i have to do this.
* introduction: includes the research question, general overview of your paper
*scientific and historical perspective of your topic
* any 4 or more implication(biological, social, ethical, economical, and environmental)
* two or three differing opinions relating to the topic
*conclusion giving your opinion
*reference page
* introduction: includes the research question, general overview of your paper
*scientific and historical perspective of your topic
* any 4 or more implication(biological, social, ethical, economical, and environmental)
* two or three differing opinions relating to the topic
*conclusion giving your opinion
*reference page
Find the facts. What happens to experimental animals? Do they suffer? How does it benefit humans? What do ethicists say?
ok but i changed it i am going for it. so do i still research those question?
Make an outline first. Make sure you follow your teacher's guidelines above.
Then right the body of your paper.
Then right the body of your paper.
ok i will go do some research and then i'mm come back with details
i have a question though for statistics which one does it go for
biological implication, scientific perspective, etc?
biological implication, scientific perspective, etc?
ethical implication are people who are against animal rights right?
Ethical implication of experimenting with animals.
i can't find social implication, environmental implication
what about economical does it mean like the cost of it and stuff.
what about economical does it mean like the cost of it and stuff.
which category do statisics go?
which one would this go to? "the use of animals in laboratories often amounts to legally-sanctioned animal abuse. The secrecy with which animals in laboratories are kept from the public eye is no accident: an estimated 100 million animals are exploited in biomedical, aeronautic, automotive, military, agricultural, and cognitive research and in consumer product testing—95% of these animals are not protected by the law."
Find the meanings of social implication and environmental implication.
Economical means the effects that animal research has on the companies sponsoring this research. What would happen to their profits if they stopped using animals?
Statistics -- learn what statistics are.
Economical means the effects that animal research has on the companies sponsoring this research. What would happen to their profits if they stopped using animals?
Statistics -- learn what statistics are.