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Questions and answers by
reina bonilla
Questions (21)
Some historic causes of poverty include?
3 answers
find a10: 192,196,48
an=a1+(n-1)d a10=192+(10-1)(?) i know a1=192, n=10, but what is d? and find nth term of 1,2,4 a1=1 n=? r=?
1 answer
how do you do acids/bases, oxidation, buffers, and Boyle's Law.
what are the rules for each, can u give me an example for each
5 answers
find the sum of the arithmetic series 13+11+9+...+(-25)
2 answers
what is a website where i can find
(describe the issue, who, what.when.where,why)
7 answers
career opportunities available in nursing.
2 companies /organizations in the area that offer jobs in this career??
0 answers
career opportunities available in nursing.
2 companies /organizations in the area that offer jobs in this career??
0 answers
career opportunities availiable in nursing.
2 companies /organizations in the area that offer jobs in this career?? what are some
3 answers
HOW DO republicans and Democratic politicians differ on entitlement programs?
- republicans feel that's state gov should have
1 answer
do u consider spanish language difficult?
why or why not? can u say at least 10 words in Spanish (words you know its meaning) the
7 answers
Why is the United States involved in this organization?
is it to establish a trilateral trade bloc in North America
8 answers
parliament democracy is the form of democracy where citizens have the most power of their government right?
1 answer
unemployment rate is a measure of
5 answers
theme: revenge
method: verbal irony only 3 examples
3 answers
can you check my essay i'm still not done i need only one more body paragraph and the ocnclusion
2 answers
theme: revenge
method: forshadowing this happens when Tybalyt sees romeo and promises reevnge right? "I will withdraw, but this
3 answers
the theme of forbidden love is introduced in soliloquy, dramatic irony, and dynamic growth occurs in ____________
2 answers
i have to make a rube goldberg
i don't have any materials except for few dvds, toy cars, balls, and the professor doesn't want us
0 answers
i am doing a research paper on animal rights
what are some specific issues related to the topic and develop a specific research
14 answers
i am doing a research paper on cancer.
what are some specific issues related to the topic and develop a specific research
10 answers
what could be a good hook for the most dangerous game?
2 answers
Answers (39)
my assignment says to focus on a specific cause, so can i say lack of jobs? which cause do u think had more information? since i have to provide a thorough background, etc
can you find websites please and its like to solve equations for all of them
identify organized interest group is it pro-choice and pro-life? which have taken opposing sides on the issue- is it what each believe?/ describe the potential consequences of implementing each side's position. what does that mean i am against abortion btw
how are individual rights involved??
or what am i supposed to writ about is it *why people believe its not correct to abort and how some do thing it is and then something else??
what major would one need??
anatomy and human development
"that is has created loss of jobs, elimination of industries, and worker displacement
"Supporters of NAFTA argue (among other things) that increased trade benefits American consumers though more competition and that free trade helps less wealthy countries improve their standard of living. Opponents of NAFTA argue (among other things) that
how come republicans support Nafta and democrats don't do u have any sources i can use
haha ok thank yyou
its ok thank you for your time and answer :D
what are some words that you can say that you know the meaning of??
Is NAFTA supported by both political parties??
what should congress and the president do to help end an economic recession is it to raise taxes and lower government spending?? and what should the federal reserve do to help end an economic recession is it decrease discount rate increase reserve
what part of the government is in charge of fiscal policy and monetary policy??
is it frictional unemployment
can i put "Two households, both alike in dignity, . . ." it seems like the families are pretty dignified but later on u realize that not so, they only seek revenge for each other for the death of their family members
i just can't find verbal irony that also refers to revenge
for example theme: revenge method: foreshadowing this happens when Tybalt sees romeo and promises revenge right? "I will withdraw, but this intrusion shall / Now seeming sweet convert to bitter gall"
i did conflict already i need theme: revenge method: verbal irony only 3 examples
theme revenge method: conflict when The Capulet servants insult the Montague servants. and starts a fued. whats another example of this
thank you
two more example are when Romeo and Benvolio are talking about Tybalt, Romeo says, "This day's black fate on more days doth depend: / This but begins the woe others must end" which romeo wants to kill tybalt for killing mercutio so he wants revenge and
for the sililoquy and dramtic irony it occurs in the prologue
which one would this go to? "the use of animals in laboratories often amounts to legally-sanctioned animal abuse. The secrecy with which animals in laboratories are kept from the public eye is no accident: an estimated 100 million animals are exploited in
which category do statisics go?
i can't find social implication, environmental implication what about economical does it mean like the cost of it and stuff.
ethical implication are people who are against animal rights right?
i have a question though for statistics which one does it go for biological implication, scientific perspective, etc?
ok i will go do some research and then i'mm come back with details
ok but i changed it i am going for it. so do i still research those question?
so for my research i have to do this. * introduction: includes the research question, general overview of your paper *scientific and historical perspective of your topic * any 4 or more implication(biological, social, ethical, economical, and
Many animal rights advocates propose that animals be viewed as persons, not property
ok so im doing animal rights i need the research question: which is "animals used as expirements right?" and then i need a genreal overview of my paper well im not sure yet but i know thta i need to know first of all what it is. how you can prevent it,
for a research paper you need a thesis?
ok if i do animal rights for my research question can it be animals used as experiment
i don't remember. i read it somewhere but it was years ago. ok maybe that's not the best topic
yes i know that mostly cancer is bad but some say that not all bad cancer is bad. that you need a small amount in your body