i am doing a project on the spinal cord. Can someone help me think of creative ideas to present this to my class? For example, the person who has effects of drugs on the brain my use an egg and be like "This is you brain" then cracks it "and this is your brain on drugs"
Im trying to think of creative ideas but none are coming across to me.
2 answers
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. If you have ever been in a chiropractor's office, usually there are photos of people in various states of spinal cord injury. Looking at photos of older people hobbling along with one or two canes is a visual of what can happen with out proper care.
how about applying some simple electric circuit?? lets say you construct a simple electric circuit with a copper wires as your spinal cord and the bulb as the brain. when the spinal cord got brutally damaged leading to paralyzing, you cut the wire stopping the current to the bulb..???
hope that helps..
hope that helps..