I am doing a project on Frankenstein and we have a quote "My vices are the children of a forced solitude that I abhor, and my virtues will neccesairly arise when I live in communion with an equal" I am having a hard time understanding what it means. I have to relate the quote to websites dealing with forced solitude fostering destructive behavior and communities fostering good behavior and i can not find any websites dealing with it. Any advise you can give me would be most helpful thanks.

5 answers

What does that mean?
Could you tell me what help needed is suppose to mean?
That means the subject line English is not likely to get the response you want, it is changed to psychology to attract those persons. Be patient.
O sorry I didn't know that is what you meant. I will wait for the right person to answer it.
This is one person's opinion after studying the effects of living in solitude.


This site talks of the effect of solitude on an musician... read the whole thing.

This talks about society's effect on deviant behavior:

From a teacher's view point - group has a great deal to do with the positive or negative outlook of any individual. Acceptance and positive reinforcement from the group can bring most children with problem behavior into more acceptable behavior. If the child is "outcast", then that seems to reinforce the negative behavior.