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When you write an essay, start by learning about the subject. Take notes. Then write a thesis statement. Outline the information that supports this statement.
I am doing a essay, and I need help to start me off on this. Please help me. Give me examples, ideas anything. This what I doing my essay on
Political System, subsistence strategy Bands.
4 answers
Oh Ms.Sue, I am so sorry, I am doing this on a Course Project. Not on a essay
Political System, subsistence strategy Bands. Can I still use the website you put up there.
Now how do I started it off
Political System, subsistence strategy Bands. Can I still use the website you put up there.
Now how do I started it off
You start by learning about this topic.
Yes, by all means, use those websites.
Yes, by all means, use those websites.
I do not know if I went about this right way. Can you please give me some ideas/ examples
Bands are the key social /political assemblage, be an average of 50- 80 per band. Generate a “face to face” for the group. Typically the band that is members married outside their group must marry into another assemblage. The men are primary subsistence activities’ hunting and fishing. Also the men challenged more than women and more men died. Adult women be more numerous than men it was permissible for some men to have more women. On the other hand if men appeared to being taking additional wives just enrich his reputation, an enemy was likely to steal one of them. Deserted husbands try to murder his wife stealer, and then he wills often : retaliation at some point. He also defies an enemy to a song of any kind conflicts. Even he doesn’t win the fight, will not promise to get his wife back.
Bands are the key social /political assemblage, be an average of 50- 80 per band. Generate a “face to face” for the group. Typically the band that is members married outside their group must marry into another assemblage. The men are primary subsistence activities’ hunting and fishing. Also the men challenged more than women and more men died. Adult women be more numerous than men it was permissible for some men to have more women. On the other hand if men appeared to being taking additional wives just enrich his reputation, an enemy was likely to steal one of them. Deserted husbands try to murder his wife stealer, and then he wills often : retaliation at some point. He also defies an enemy to a song of any kind conflicts. Even he doesn’t win the fight, will not promise to get his wife back.