How would you think of answering the following question(s)?
Which do you most want your teen driver to avoid?
Talking on the Phone While Driving
Driving Without a Seatbelt
Talking on the Phone While Driving
Driving Without a Seatbelt
All of them are illegal to do while driving and it will depend on the level of danger for the individual driver and what we think is worse for the individual driver. I thought that driving without a seatbelt was worst than the other options because of the higher risk of dying in an accident. Another option states simply drinking, which I came to think, does that mean drinking with a seatbelt (although it does not specify exactly, but simply thinking because there is another option that states drinking without a seatbelt)? Or does it mean drinkig with and without a seatbelt but to generalize, it is stated as drinking? Then again, choosing the option of drinking without a seatbelt may mean just that and also depending how it is looked at, may also mean (but not necessarily intended) that drinking without a seatbelt is worse and drinking with a seatbelt is not as worse (true because of a higher risk of dying in an accident if drinking without a seatbelt). Will the option drinking include drinking without a seatbelt? If it did, the option of drinking without a seatbelt will not be provided unless it is to specify more clearer or provided so the choosing which one is the worse much difficult. My concerns were mainly for thos two options because the similarity in them, while in the others I cannot do the same as it is straight forward. Tell me what you think.
9 answers
On the ealier post I compared drinking and drinking without a seatbelt (although one was not one of the options). And the same comparison can be done for drinking and driving without a seatbelt.
I think the seat belt issue is different than the other categories. In other words, I don't want my teen (or anyone else) to drink and drive. Period. Even if they were wearing a seatbelt, accidents are most often caused by drivers who've been drinking.
Say you have the option to choose either (1) drinking or (2) drinking without a seatbelt, which one is worse? Could it be that drinking just means drinking with a seatbelt or drinking with and without a seatbelt?
Obviously the worse choice would be drinking and not wearing a seatbelt. However, for the purpose of this question, drinking stands alone, with or without a seatbelt.
There is no option regarding drinking and driving. The law doesn't care if you have a seatbelt on or not if there is liquor involved.
To confirm, the first choice (1) drinking is the worse of the two choices considering that is stands alone and it may mean with or without a seatbelt?
Thank you for the information. I am trying to learn how to answer simple questions, but I seem to make it more difficult than was it is because I tend to include other factors that are not provided in the questions but are real life scenerios. Understanding how to answer this question will provide me the tool to answer similar questions that may seem obvious but tricky when other factors are included in the equation. I hope I explained myself clearly. Again, thank you for you help.
Glad we could help. Sometimes finding the heart of the question is hard when there is too much needless information surrounding it. Keep at it... good work