how would you say "the wire through which the electric current flows." wouold it be,
Le fils ca le courant electrique couler a travers.
Load(as in electricity): A device that transforms electrical energy into other forms of energy.
is it, "Charge: un appareil ca transformer l'energie electrique dans les autres formes d'energie.
Switch: a device that can turn the circuit on or off by closing or opening the cicuit.
is it, "Bouton: un appareil ca peut tourner le circuit allume ou fermer par fermer ou inaugurer le circuit
I got the english from the BC science 9 textbook. Please help me!
By the way the question was "Quels sont les 4 elements de base de tous les circuits? Decrivez le role de chaque element.
(What are the 4 base elements of all the circuits? write(show) the role of each element).
the answers i got were Source, Conductor, Load, and Switch.
2 answers
1. Le fils par lequel le courant électrique coule. Where on earth did "ca" come from? There is no such word; however there is ça, short form for cela, and it is an adverb!
2. La charge: un appareil qui transforme l'énergie électique en les autres formes d'énergie.
3. (electrical) L'interrupteur: un appareil qui peut allumer ou fermer par fermer ou ouvrir le circuit.
4. les 4 élements de base de tous les circuits = means the basic elements of all circuits. As for describing, I don't see that y ou did that part.
Researching some sites I found various answers, but the first looks like the best:
1. resistor, capacitor, inductor & the new one "memristor" which is short for "memory resistor."
2. your answers may be what you need since it is in your Textbook?
3. I also saw" superconducting cross-overs, vias, pinhole free insulation layers and on-chip resistors to dewsign and fabrica te the HTS RSCQ circuits = whatever they are!
Best o'luck here! :)