How would the work of lobbyists be affected if there were no political parties?
So I wrote about how there would be a lot of chaos if there weren't any political parties and how everyone would be divided. But I can't figure out this part about the lobbyists. I just wrote that their jobs would be difficult because they would be trying to persuade one individual rather than a group.
What else could I write?
1 answer
I'm not sure, either. Political contributions would probably be affected. Big business, industry groups, etc., give large amounts to individual office-holders and candidates, but usually give to parties, too. Big business groups tend to support Republicans and the GOP more than Democrats, who tend to get more support from unions and other groups that support individual rights. Having a party label gives the donor class, at least, a hint as to which way the candidate might lean, although it's no guarantee on every issue all the time.