How were the lives of white people in the north and south alike and different?
can someone help me please
8 answers
My -- that's such a broad question, that the only logical answer involves geography. The South is warmer and grows different crops.
Oh guess what, the answer is in your text book, try reading it?
@teacher if you really were a teacher you would have correct grammar in your answer and a capital in the beginning of your name. Also, you would not be bullying kids with your selfish smart remarks. Another point is that this is tutoring site so instead of saying they are cheating you could maybe give them some help so they can figure it out on their own without a direct answer. So you can't call them cheaters.
Notice how the "teacher" fixed their name XDD
i came for help, not so read people thank ms.sue or rant about cheating. i bet all the people that say not to cheat are jealous that they can't cheat because there scared to get caught and get on jiskha and rant about how other people shouldn't cheat. everybody cheats at least once in there life IF they're clever about it.
I have an question unrelated to school. Is Jiskha a made up word or is it a foreign word that means something? Thanks for answers! Even if they're not related to school.
@Miss.Sue it says how are the "white people in north and south" not how are the geograpic is diffrent and are alike.