how to say the alphbet in french
3 answers
In these two sites, you can hear the alphabet pronounced in French.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here is another list of the French alphabet that you can carry with you.
The French alphabet is the same as the English alphabet, just with different pronouciations:
A = "ah"
B = "bay"
C = "say"
D = "day"
E = '"eu"
F = "ef"
G = "jay" (soft "j")
H = "aahsh"
I = "ee"
J = "gee" (soft "g")
K = "kah"
L = "el"
M = "em"
N = "en"
O = "oh"
P = "pay"
Q = "kew"
R = "air"
S = "es"
T = "tay"
U = "oo"
V = "vay"
W = "dooblah-vay"
X = "eex"
Y = "eegrek"
Z = "zed"
The French alphabet is the same as the English alphabet, just with different pronouciations:
A = "ah"
B = "bay"
C = "say"
D = "day"
E = '"eu"
F = "ef"
G = "jay" (soft "j")
H = "aahsh"
I = "ee"
J = "gee" (soft "g")
K = "kah"
L = "el"
M = "em"
N = "en"
O = "oh"
P = "pay"
Q = "kew"
R = "air"
S = "es"
T = "tay"
U = "oo"
V = "vay"
W = "dooblah-vay"
X = "eex"
Y = "eegrek"
Z = "zed"