This is the form for a sonnet. It has 14 lines and each line has 10 syllables. This example is from Elizabeth Barrett Browning:
Sonnet 43 Meter
"Sonnet 43" is in iambic pentameter (10 syllables, or five feet, per line with five pairs of unstressed and stressed syllables), as Lines 2 and 2 of the poem demonstrate.
I LOVE | thee TO | the DEPTH | and BREADTH | and HEIGHT
My SOUL | can REACH, | when FEEL | ing OUT | of SIGHT
how to do it...what do they mean?
30 answers
i want a poem with 10 syllable and 14 linnes
how can i see a sample of a poem written
how do write a 10 syllable and 14 line sonnet poem?
i need to write the exact same thing.. can anybody help mme?
Ok people
The way to make one of these poems, or Sonnets, is really rather simple once you get the hang of it. The way these peoms are made are by a simple way of counting Syllables, for example, the word "House" has one Syllable while the word "Super" has two. The way to figure this out is by using a series of stressing and unstressing your words in a pattern
/=stress U=unstress
U / U / U/ U / U /
Two households, both alike in dignity
U / U /U / U / U /
In Fair Verona, where we lay our scene
This is the prologue to Romeo in juliet, the first two lines.
As you can see both lines have 10 symbols above where the syllables begin, the Poem of Romeo and Juliet may look like a simple one, but Truthfully, it is a giant poem, a 3000 line poem is the proper name, the entire poem is a giant series of these Unstress, Stress beats. If you understand what i mean, then you should know what to do for that part, HOWEVER! every other line must ryhme with each other
1=first line 2= 2nd line... etc.
1 the 1st line must
2 ryhme with the 3rd
1 and the 2nd must
2 ryhme with the 4th
3 Complecated, truthly
4 is isn't once you
3 get the jist of it
4 down in your head u
5- this line | should be good to go
5- this line ryhmes w/ last word
14 lines, 10 syllables per line, every other line must rhyme, this should help
Ok people
The way to make one of these poems, or Sonnets, is really rather simple once you get the hang of it. The way these peoms are made are by a simple way of counting Syllables, for example, the word "House" has one Syllable while the word "Super" has two. The way to figure this out is by using a series of stressing and unstressing your words in a pattern
/=stress U=unstress
U / U / U/ U / U /
Two households, both alike in dignity
U / U /U / U / U /
In Fair Verona, where we lay our scene
This is the prologue to Romeo in juliet, the first two lines.
As you can see both lines have 10 symbols above where the syllables begin, the Poem of Romeo and Juliet may look like a simple one, but Truthfully, it is a giant poem, a 3000 line poem is the proper name, the entire poem is a giant series of these Unstress, Stress beats. If you understand what i mean, then you should know what to do for that part, HOWEVER! every other line must ryhme with each other
1=first line 2= 2nd line... etc.
1 the 1st line must
2 ryhme with the 3rd
1 and the 2nd must
2 ryhme with the 4th
3 Complecated, truthly
4 is isn't once you
3 get the jist of it
4 down in your head u
5- this line | should be good to go
5- this line ryhmes w/ last word
14 lines, 10 syllables per line, every other line must rhyme, this should help
Ok people
The way to make one of these poems, or Sonnets, is really rather simple once you get the hang of it. The way these peoms are made are by a simple way of counting Syllables, for example, the word "House" has one Syllable while the word "Super" has two. The way to figure this out is by using a series of stressing and unstressing your words in a pattern
/=stress U=unstress
U / U / U/ U / U /
Two households, both alike in dignity
U / U /U / U / U /
In Fair Verona, where we lay our scene
This is the prologue to Romeo in juliet, the first two lines.
As you can see both lines have 10 symbols above where the syllables begin, the Poem of Romeo and Juliet may look like a simple one, but Truthfully, it is a giant poem, a 3000 line poem is the proper name, the entire poem is a giant series of these Unstress, Stress beats. If you understand what i mean, then you should know what to do for that part, HOWEVER! every other line must ryhme with each other
1=first line 2= 2nd line... etc.
1 the 1st line must
2 ryhme with the 3rd
1 and the 2nd must
2 ryhme with the 4th
3 Complecated, truthly
4 is isn't once you
3 get the jist of it
4 down in your head u
5 should be good to go
14 lines, 10 syllables per line, every other line must rhyme, this should help
Ok people
The way to make one of these poems, or Sonnets, is really rather simple once you get the hang of it. The way these peoms are made are by a simple way of counting Syllables, for example, the word "House" has one Syllable while the word "Super" has two. The way to figure this out is by using a series of stressing and unstressing your words in a pattern
/=stress U=unstress
U / U / U/ U / U /
Two households, both alike in dignity
U / U /U / U / U /
In Fair Verona, where we lay our scene
This is the prologue to Romeo in juliet, the first two lines.
As you can see both lines have 10 symbols above where the syllables begin, the Poem of Romeo and Juliet may look like a simple one, but Truthfully, it is a giant poem, a 3000 line poem is the proper name, the entire poem is a giant series of these Unstress, Stress beats. If you understand what i mean, then you should know what to do for that part, HOWEVER! every other line must ryhme with each other
1=first line 2= 2nd line... etc.
1 the 1st line must
2 ryhme with the 3rd
1 and the 2nd must
2 ryhme with the 4th
3 Complecated, truthly
4 is isn't once you
3 get the jist of it
4 down in your head u
5 should be good to go
14 lines, 10 syllables per line, every other line must rhyme, this should help
how to write a 10 sllable poem with 14 lines?
Look up what a sonnet poem is then check out what subject you want to do it on. Look at other Sonnet poems for inspiration~
4 line 10 syllable sonnet poem
i am not sure, do you know where to find other sonnets though?
making it rhyme duhh
need to find a poem with 10 sillables
Thanks! This really helped me...a lot! I get it drugs on a Sunday morning, I get it!
How to write a 14 line 10 syllable poem?
a poem on mother which is of 8 lines has not been found
can you put an example of a poem so i can visualize it please
aye why wont u give us an poem uh?
just give us a good poem tha a kid WOULD WRITE!! :(
just give us a good poem tha a kid WOULD WRITE!! :(
I need one too
this does not help
i need help this is not easy i need to write a sonnet by tomarrow nd i havent started
i need help
This is stupid. -_- How is this supposed to help?
I think this might help. I had to do this in college.
Think back when you learned syllables as a kid. You took a word and clapped you hand to each syllable to figure out how many were in each word.
Ex. School. As you say it,the word does not have a break in it any where so it is one syllable.
Ex. Answer AN swer = two syllables when you say the word slowly.
Ex. dinosaur= di no saur = three syllables.
so when you write a line in the poem and they only want it to equal ten syllables per line, write your first line then count it out clapping. if you have too many you have to revise the line. Clapping helps you hear it.
Think back when you learned syllables as a kid. You took a word and clapped you hand to each syllable to figure out how many were in each word.
Ex. School. As you say it,the word does not have a break in it any where so it is one syllable.
Ex. Answer AN swer = two syllables when you say the word slowly.
Ex. dinosaur= di no saur = three syllables.
so when you write a line in the poem and they only want it to equal ten syllables per line, write your first line then count it out clapping. if you have too many you have to revise the line. Clapping helps you hear it.
Example of a ten syllable line
I want a dinosaur for my birthday.
now break the sentence apart to ten syllables.
I want a di no saur for my birth day.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I want a dinosaur for my birthday.
now break the sentence apart to ten syllables.
I want a di no saur for my birth day.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
If anyone can help I need a iambic pentameter (10 syllables per line with 30 lines)we have to write it in 3rd person and it has to be about a student, busdriver, teacher, Janitor doesnt matter what one of those 4 examples.
the sun is sunshine
the birds r fly
the birds r fly
I need someone to write a 14 line 10 syllable poem about love (for him) please help!!!:(