How might Michael’s situation illustrate adjustment? How might this situation become an opportunity for personal growth?

In the case of Michael, ending a marriage after 15 years is one of the most painful and avoided experiences that he could face. In essence, there are no guidelines or signals of when and how to end a relationship. Most of the time people are never prepared to face those challenges ahead of them. Therefore, Michael is adjusting to being single again; acceptance to leave away from his children are not easy. Common reactions to those stressors can follow a cycle of guilt, sadness and self-blame. He had just bought a townhouse, and living alone without his kids will be a big adjustment, that he will have to get used to. Furthermore, he is worried about employment stability, because he does not know where he stands.
Change in itself is an opportunity for personal growth. In the event that Michael’s relationship was unhealthy, he could look back and see what really destroyed his marriage. Although, his feelings at times may be unbearable but they are normal reactions to his loss and other stressors. Michael will benefit greatly from a strong social support group that would teach him healthy ways to reduce stress, and deal with his pass mistakes in order to become more mature and be able to deal with any kind of stress. Also, he should allow himself to mourn and to express his feelings over the breakup. The most important factor during this period is for Michael to be self-nurturing and patient with himself as he goes through this process.

1 answer

pass mistakes??? Do you mean PAST mistakes?

You've posted a good answer! :-)