How has Christianity, a faith based on the teachings

of one text (the Bible), divided into so many denominations?

2 answers

Even since the beginning of Christianity, there have been many differences of opinion about religious doctrine. This was exacerbated with the invention of moveable type and efficient printing presses. As more and more people learned to read, they could read the Bible and interpret these old writings in various ways. Although the Protestant Reformation began in Europe, the United States has seen a proliferation of denominations. European dissenters who deviated from the established churches found a welcome in America. Also, the U.S. has always encouraged free thinkers which has added to the large number of denominations.
I agree. And, one can emphasize any one of many threads in the Bible (Pentecost, saved by faith, saved by works, predetermiation of the chosen, water immersion, etc) to make a religion that will deviate from other doctrines significantly.

Homosexuality, sex before marriage, couples cohabitating without marriage, abortion, life support equipment all have in modern times strained many denominations into fragments.